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Girls Trip: 5 Reasons You & Your Squad Should Fly Out (Video)

Everyone loves a good vacation! If you don't...who are you? Vacations allow you to unwind, let you hair down, and take a pause from the responsibilities of life. And if you pick the right location, you can do all of that while enjoying the backdrop of beautiful beaches and exotic island paradise. Add your sisters and besties to the mix and it becomes a recipe for magic!

Trust me ladies! We love our children, families, and of course we love bae (for the not so single ladies), but nothing is like making memories with your girls. Especially your girls that you've grown up and glowed up with. The glow up is surely a reason to celebrate!

God and my bank account have blessed me to go on more than a few trips and I've brought back five reasons why you should take a girls trip too:

1. Collective Self Care - Ladies are infamously known to put the needs of others in front of our own. Taking a girls vacation puts us in environment where all we have to worry about is ourselves and what to order from the drink menu. A weekend to tend to ourselves in the company of our sister girls can do a world of wonder for a stressed out woman and/or mother.

2. Adult Sleepovers - Chances are, as an adult with rent and responsibilities, you don't get an opportunity to sleepover at your besties house. But don't you remember how much fun slumber parties used to be? Now imagine doing that as an adult. Staying up all night, laughing, reminiscing, and sometimes crying if the conversations get that deep. It feels good to relax in your pj's with your girls.

3. Time To Reconnect - Working 40 plus hours a week, raising children, and trying to keep your hair done can make it easy to miss moments to check in with your bestie. When life is moving at 100 miles per hour, we have to make time to connect with our girlfriends (without a toddler in the background yelling "Mommy can I have..."). A 4 day girls trip provides us that uninterrupted time to connect, catch up, and enjoy the bonds we've created over the years.

4. Selfies and Memories - What happens on vacay stays on vacay, but the memories and selfies last forever! Making the memories is awesome but being able to relive them through pictures is the icing on the girls trip cake.

5. Living Your Best Life - What does living your best life look like? Whatever YOU define as YOUR best. But here's a tip for best life living; being present in every moment and enjoying our time while we have it. With that being said, vacations provide us that opportunity to live in the moment, prioritize self care, take bomb selfies, and live our best life!

Check out the recap video below from the archives of my girls trip to Turks and Caicos. A must visit island destination!

Are you thinking about going on a girls trip? I've got the plug on a few travel resources and I live by the motto sharing is caring. Let's connect via email

Happy Girls Trip!


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