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You remember the saying, it's better to give than to receive? It still reigns true and in the spirit of giving I'm excited to share that to celebrate the day I was born and the two years since launching, we are giving away three special gifts to one amazing reader! Will it be you? Here's what you need to do to win. Wait, first let me tell you about the awesome prizes:

1. Passion Planner - I am absoultely in love with my Passion Planner. This is my second year using this awesome planner that allows you to plan for your passions, work, and personal life. Hello CEO CHIC LIFE!

I could go on and on about this planner. There's something super beneficial about having all of your thoughts, dreams, and plans in one place. The Passion Planner is like a planner, life coach, and journal all in one. Here's a video that fully captures my love for Passion Planning.

2. Werk 101 Get Your Life Together Guide - This mini book is power packed with 77 tips to help you get this WERK! It's a girl boss must have for current and aspiring entrepreneurs. This book is dedicated to the modern-day women who is dedicated to herself. Hello Self Care! She is a woman who wants more in life, sees a brighter future and dares to dream big. She is a woman who is ready to stop wishing her dreams will come true and start WERKing to achieve her goals, and live a life full of healthiness, wealthiness, and happiness! Is she you?

3. Dream Journal - Journaling is a major key to success. Well, at least in my world it is. I have been journaling since the age of 7 and not only is it therapeutic it's also amazing for providing clarity for your visions and dreams. Spending time writing down your ideas and dreams gets you into a zone! That zone then sparks more ideas and allows whats in your mind to be transferred to paper. From that paper, you can transfer your ideas into plans and before you know it, you're celebrating the success of your once idea turned reality.

So here's how you can enter to win the giveaway.

1. Send me an email to with CEO CHIC LIFE GIVEAWAY as the title. I'l be contacting the winner via social media.

2. Share this blog post or social media post from @ceochiclife or @savvycherise to your social media page with the hashtag #CEOCHICLIFE. Please tag me in your post so I know it's real lol!

3. In your post share one thing you'll be doing in the month of September to amplify you being the CEO of your life. Will you be taking a class to improve a certain skill set? Will you be completing the paperwork for your LLC? Will you be meeting with a friend to get assistance with your business plan? Are you starting a blog? Are you joining a fitness class? Will you be drinking more water? Let me, you, and the world of social media know how you plan on being the CEO of your life.

Winners will be selected on September 8th. Good Luck!

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