When you believe in your dreams....this happens! For the past two months I have attended several conferences and left feeling inspired but also feeling like I have what it takes to be a speaker as well. I started saying it...."Im speaking at a conference...Next year I'm speaking or moderating a panel at the @revolttv conference." In addition to speaking it (using #affirmations) I took the time to write out what I would say, how I would engage the audience, and where I would be speak. I said I'd start off locally and within a year I'd be flying across the country to colleges and conferences. The next morning I received a phone call asking me to speak at this conference! My God 🙌😠Moral of the story. Define your dream. Write it down. Believe in it. Speak life to it....and a way will be made. I'm a witness! #DreamBig#HaveFaith#WriteTheVisionMakeItPlain