Happy Birthday Cherise! It's Time To Live The CEO CHIC LIFE!
Happy Birthday to me! This year I decided to do something different for my birthday. I wanted to gift myself with something that wouldn't just benefit me, but also all of those who came in contact with it. The gift that keeps on giving. That gift is my first e-book "50 Sips of T.E.A." and my new business venture CEOCHICLIFE.com! The purpose of CEOCHICLIFE.com is to encourage individuals to pursue entrepreneurship in an area that matches their indiviual passion. There are so many people who go to a job everyday that they hate. Other people love their jobs, but they have another passion or an idea that they want to bring to life. CEOCHICLIFE.com and "50 Sips of T.E.A" inspires those individuals to move forward with bring those visions and dreams to reality. It is possible for us all to live amazing lives! With faith, a dream, hardwork, and the internet, anything is possible!

Today is the day! Moving forward ----------->

Cheers to new visions and Happy Birthday to Me! To purchase your copy of "50 Sips of T.E.A." check out our online store at CEOCHICLIFE.com